How Noise Impacts Our Health Physically And Mentally

Noise has always been a part of our daily life, be it the noise that comes from nature, such as birds chirping, or from human activities, such as construction site sounds. We might get used to hearing them but could lead to potential harm to our health.

The noise that we hear every day can be noise pollution, the spread of unwanted sounds into the environment. If this keeps happening, noise pollution can trigger potential health problems. The effects of noise pollution include increased stress levels, sleep disturbance, or hearing damage.

The Impact on Physical Health


The physical health effects of noise pollution can occur as a direct or indirect result of noise exposure. In some cases, loud sounds can cause hearing impairment, such as abnormal loudness perception, tinnitus, which causes a persistent high-pitched ringing in the ears, and paracusis, or distorted hearing.

In some researches, noise pollution may also indirectly contribute to other health conditions. There is evidence that short-term exposure to noise pollution can temporarily raise blood pressure and increase blood viscosity. There is also an association between long-term exposure to noise and higher rates of cardiovascular disease which is due to the increase of stress hormone levels and the nervous system. Over time, this stress may contribute to the development of the disease.

The Impact on Mental Health


Too much noise can also impact mental health.

The brain is always monitoring sounds for signs of danger, even during sleep. As a result, frequent or loud noise can trigger anxiety or stress. If this keeps occurring, a person’s sensitivity to stress increases.

People living with noise pollution may also feel irritable, on edge, frustrated, or angry. If a person feels they cannot control the amount of noise in their environment, its impact on their mental health intensifies.

Environmental noise is also a common cause of sleep disturbance. The unwanted noise can cause difficulty falling asleep, inability to stay asleep, even waking up too early. Sounds can also reduce the depth and quality of sleep, altering the amount of rapid eye movement sleep. This can impact a person’s mood and ability to concentrate.

Noise pollution can also cause concentration problems, especially if it occurs to children. Children can also be prone to lack of communication and speech development as well as cognitive performance.

How to Reduce Noise Pollution


In some cases, noise pollution is unavoidable. However, there are ways to reduce noise levels inside the home. A person can try:

Reducing noise from appliances, such as heaters, fans, and other appliances. Try turning them off more often or setting a timer, so they only switch on at certain times. Reducing noise from media devices, such as music, televisions, and video games. Avoid having unnecessary noise playing in the background for long periods, or listening to sounds at too high a volume. Repair or replace old machinery, such as old vehicles. Consider upgrading or replacing noisy household items. Create more quiet time with quiet activities, such as reading, puzzles, or creative hobbies. Avoid playing music or having background noise during this time. Ear protection: If loud noise is unavoidable, use ear protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, to reduce its impact.

The last but definitely not the least thing you can do is soundproofing your room. Adding insulation strategically around the home can help muffle sounds from other rooms, neighbors, or outside. Acoustica Projects will help you to reduce the noise pollution for your health.

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